Memory Project Phase I.mp3
Memory Project Call for Participation.mp3
Memory Project Phase I.mp3
We are calling on all Sierra Leoneans with first-hand experiences of the 1991-2002 civil war to participate by offering oral testimonies for the benefit of current and future generations. This project is intended to encourage those affected by the civil war to tell their stories as ordinary people who have survived some of the most horrendous moments of our shared history.
Others have already written several versions of our story, but our aim is to let your children learn from you. No Sierra Leonean would like to see a reoccurrence of what happened during that dreadful decade. It is only by reflecting on where we went wrong that we can guide future generations from wandering our line of failure.
Please contact us if you would like to participate. The Memory Project staff will visit you to record your testimony. All stories are video recorded and will be available for public view. We also accept written testimonies from those who do not want to be audio/video recorded.
Memory Project Call for Participation.mp3